Calling Hospitality Industry Professionals to…


Secure your spot now for a FREE discovery session to experience more peace, higher performance, and learn how to take your PERSONAL and PROFESSIONAL life to the next level.

Happiness… Skills… Success… Peak Performance.

You deserve to have every aspect of your life – personal, professional, and spiritual – be exactly the way you want it.

If you’re ready to experience permanent changes in your clarity, confidence, and ability to achieve your dreams, my Coaching experience is perfect for you.

Observe anyone at the top of their game and the results will be the same — they’ve all had valuable guidance and direction. . Now you have an opportunity to transform your life beyond your wildest dreams.

Fact is people who have coaches always achieve more than those who don’t.

coaching sharvari shinde

With my coaching you’ll develop the skills necessary to become a happier, more confident, and more focused person with the commitment to become an unstoppable success and give your peak performance.


Being part of Hospitality industry, the ones who are there the most for others, who expect the most of themselves, and push themselves to achieve great things…

Are often the ones who pay for it in the end.

In their health. Their well being. Their sense of meaning, progress, or passion.

While their company thrives, their personal life suffers. And eventually, enough is enough.

What starts as their strength and helps them achieve the most, becomes the very thing that holds them back from the highest levels of development.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

In just one call together, we can uncover where your energy leaks are, where unnecessary resistance is coming from… and help you get more time and energy back.

And begin to explore what is possible for you, at higher levels of development that you are ready for.

If one call together has the chance to change things, isn’t it worth it?

In hospitality industry, many executives and leaders are secretly unfulfilled.

As they grow their businesses take on more responsibility, push themselves and do what it takes to achieve their goals and follow through on their commitments. They often succeed, to a point, but along the way the price they pay is personal

They stretch themselves too thin, driving themselves to burnout and feel the toll physically.

They push themselves to achieve company goals, while cutting corners on their personal health and making rash, impulsive decisions.

Behind closed doors, they experience existential anxiety. Sometimes feeling like it’s not worth it, what they do is meaningless, lose connection to their purpose. They are so on-the-go that they lose connection to their purpose, lose sight of the impact of what you’re doing, and even forget why you started doing this in the first place.

coaching sharvari shinde

Does this sound like you?

If so, know you are not alone. This reality is all too common among hospitality professionals, high-achievers and leaders of all types.

coaching sharvari shinde

But the good news is, there is another, better way.

When you take this opportunity to…

Reach the Next Level in Your Development

When you reach your true potential of positive impact and have calm, clarity, creativity, and effortless ease you perform best.  This is very much crucial in post pandemic era. You don’t need to be unhappy or be facing major problems or setbacks. All you need is a desire for more in your life. The best life coaching programs can help you reach the next level – in relationships, in your career and in your personal goals.

It’s about facing your fears, identifying your limiting beliefs and transforming your mindset. It’s about learning how to jump at every opportunity rather than holding yourself back. Learn how coaching can help you create strategies that work for you, change your mindset and change your life.

If you are looking to breakthrough plateaus, achieve rapid growth, and unlock deeper levels of happiness and fulfilment, then you may be a candidate for 1:1 coaching.

In these coaching sessions you will get perfect opportunity to unlock your full potential and show up as your best self in a whole new way.

During your session, you’ll learn what you need to:

  • Achieve your personal goals.
  • Identify your major purpose.
  • Create a plan of action.
  • Set and realize goals.
  • Focus on your highest priorities.
  • Enjoy life and get things done.
coaching sharvari shinde

Take Your Game To The Next Level

When you secure top-notch coaching services, you’re able to:


With a skilled coach on your side, you’re empowered to develop strategies for overcoming any hurdle you encounter.


A skilled coach leads by example, demonstrating effective leadership traits while helping you build leadership skills of your own. Build a roadmap for success and become a master of execution .With expert guidance from your coach, you’ll become the leader your company needs you to be.


Increasing revenue is one of the primary reasons business owners seek out coaching services. Learn how to optimize major areas of your business – technical skills, guest experience, culture – to add massive value to your bottom line.

When you work with peak performance coach for at least one year, It will ensure you build trusting relationship and have time to work through any limiting beliefs or other inner blocks that hold you back. This coaching programs start with a complimentary 30-minute strategy session where you identify barriers and set challenging goals. You will then go through the following steps.


During the first few sessions you will identify limiting beliefs that are holding you back from unlocking an extraordinary life.  Before you can tackle goals in your career, relationship or health, you must first do inner work to develop a greater understanding of yourself, your habits and how you view yourself and the world.


Next, you will work to focus on developing patterns to help you overcome these beliefs and achieve breakthroughs. These patterns will become regular habits that you can use for every part of your life – not just to specific goal you came to coaching to work toward.


The rest of your work with will focus on reinforcing your new patterns and using them to achieve the goals you set in the beginning of your coaching program. As you achieve goals, we will celebrate your successes and help you set new goals to tackle and ultimately you lead to give your peak performance.

If you’re ready to take your life to the next level, it’s time to get started with my peak performance Coaching. You will truly be amazed at just how much is possible for you with the right guidance and support. Don’t wait another day to take this critical step toward unbridled success and limitless potential!

Everyone has an unstoppable force inside them. They just need the right encouragement and strategies to unleash it.

It is a 12 week coaching where WE will analyze areas of your life that you’re struggling with. We will work on your limiting beliefs patterns. working on your mindset will  brings relief from current circumstances by reverse engineering your issues to reveal the limitations of your subconscious mind and it will gives you a new experience of what it means to be human and dramatically increases your capacity to deal with whatever life brings you.

The 12-week modules will make you better after each step and will upgrade your personal, and professional life.

Once you are committed to the program I am committed to you for your growth. As things arise, clients can reach out. I will stay in contact with you to hold you accountable and keep you on track to see you through the completion of your goals. It will be check in via phone or email.

What is Peak Performance Coaching?

Peak performance coaching is the step by step approach to define your goals, identify your non-performing aspects and convert them into your strongest aspects.

It helps you to achieve your targets, dreams and desires with ease. Aim is to enjoy the life while you are achieving your life goals.

Happiness… Skills… Success… Peak Performance.

You deserve to have every aspect of your life – personal, professional, and spiritual – be exactly the way you want it.

If you’re ready to experience permanent changes in your clarity, confidence, and ability to achieve your dreams, my Coaching experience is perfect for you.

Observe anyone at the top of their game and the results will be the same — they’ve all had valuable guidance and direction. . Now you have an opportunity to transform your life beyond your wildest dreams. Fact is people who have coaches always achieve more than those who don’t.

With my coaching you’ll develop the skills necessary to become a happier, more confident, and more focused person with the commitment to become an unstoppable success and give your peak performance.

Who is Peak Performance

Coaching for?

It is for you if your answer is YES to any of the following:

  • Are you feeling clueless and tired and not willing to go to work?
  • Do you feel Monday blues and weekly off should not end ?
  • Do you feel lost when you go to your work and don’t know why you are working there?
  • Do you only work to see that pay cheque at the end of the month and becomes happy only on salary day?
  • Do you feel really relaxed once you step out of your workplace?
  • Do you really feel fed up chasing targets ? Do you really feel unhappy and dissatisfied and still you need to look happy while celebrating other people’s moment?
  • Do you feel what am I doing here? Instead I should be somewhere else where I will live fully?

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

In just one call together, we can uncover where your energy leaks are, where unnecessary resistance is coming from… and help you get more time and energy back.

And begin to explore what is possible for you, at higher levels of development that you are ready for.



Happiness comes from within and that is not influenced by our outside world. I focused on happiness because I knew that regardless of our background and where we come from, at our core we just want to be happy and live a fulfilling life.


Guest service, Up your service to have delighted, loyal customers, who give positive feedback and spend more money with your brand. It includes, Pre sales to after sales- everything about your product, strategies and action steps to delight your guests.


You require to handle Grievances received generally on 3 stages, pre-tour, on-tour and post-tour. In this course you will learn precautions, solutions and action steps to handle grievances to convert grieving guest to a delighted guest.


Sales Techniques or Art of Selling. In this course unfold the secrets of closing sales. This includes strategies and guidelines you need to become proficient in the art of effective selling and taking your career to the next level.

Why work with Sharvari Shinde?

  • To be Wealthy to buy anything you dream and contribute towards charity.
  • To Have leisure time for yourself.
  • To Enjoy family holidays and refresh yourselves.
  • To Succeed in your job and you have a flourishing career.
  • To Achieve liberty to work as per your timelines and get the work done efficiently on your own terms.
  • To be Strong enough to handle any challenge that comes your way.
1. Build a mindset and toolset of a peak performer.

Strategies and action steps to find inner happiness and peace. Thereby, control and monitor the situations and people with calmness and wisdom.

2. Develop a services culture to delight your guests.

Well served guests are more loyal, spend more money with your brand and tell their friends about you.

3. Achieve unbelievable grievance handling techniques.

Angry guests leave in a hurry, cancel orders, upset you and give negative feedbacks. It is important to learn how to convert them to satisfied guests.

4. Discover the hidden power of sales techniques.

The fun to learn, easy to use tools and techniques for record sales. Learn what to do, how to do it and why. Proven strategies and practical action steps to be a peak performer.

5. Enjoy the results and winning reputation you deserve.

Innovative and comprehensive action plan that you can easily implement in hospitality industry to be a peak performer. Hence, increase bottom line dramatically, achieve great guest service, polish your perception points to create positive impression and apply proven strategies to get closer to your guests and tremendously increase your sales.

Coaching Packages

Recorded Online Package

Learn at your pace and place. Completely recorded video with assignments and activities for impactful coaching. Learning + Action Plan + Assignments.

Live one to one sessions

Customised one to one live Zoom Meeting sessions designed for your individual needs and wants. Learning + Action Plan + Assignments.

Hybrid Package

Recorded sessions to learn at your convenient time PLUS one to one live session every week. Learning + Action Plan + Assignments.

Find self and inner happiness to thrive in the ever-demanding hospitality industry.