Life, Health, Career & Relationship - Happiness is the key!

Start Shaping Your New Life Today

Happiness comes from within and that is not influenced by our outside world.

I focused on happiness because I knew that regardless of our background and where we come from, at our core we just want to be happy and live a fulfilling life.

In fact, the term “happiness” is important to so many people that if you do a simple key word search from google you will find that almost a million people search every month about how to be happy. Happiness impacts every aspect of our life, including our relationships, our well being, our productivity, our career, our overall success, our health, and even how long we live.

Studies demonstrate that happiness:

  • Doubles your critical thinking skills, problem solving ability, and creativity
  • Boosts your immune system and cardiovascular health
  • Extends life expectancy
  • Creates more fulfilling and longer lasting relationships
  • Creates more balance in life
  • Even helps individuals receive work promotions more often
  • And many more positive side effects!
success stories sharvari shinde

Are you ready, for this exciting journey of happiness?


In 10 weeks you will learn about your passion, goals setting, communication with self and others, overcoming fear of change, failure and risk, empowered thinking, managing emotions and identifying beliefs those don’t serve you, rewiring new success belief system, gain true confidence, decision making and taking actions, practice mindfulness with powerful activities, rewrite your life story and achieve eternal happiness.


There are 12 modules that includes introduction, building happiness mindset, core coaching sessions, activities, challenges and material to keep and practice happiness.

It is an immersive program to transform your life to give your peak performance and achieve the heights you want to.

It includes one to one live sessions, assignments, hand holding, lifetime email support.


The NEW U is a new reality with fulfilled dreams, living with passion, living your purpose, performing at your peak potential and be unstoppable, unshakable and unleashed with full control on your emotions to choose happiness.

Eliminate fears and breakthrough any mental roadblocks that come in the way and operate in a state of peak performance and achieve rapid personal and professional growth.


Be a peak performer by deliberately creating your reality and having control over the direction of your life. Achieve promotions, accolades of guests, have healthy lifestyle and live with luxuries.

Build new career muscle with insights, training and skills that allow you and your company to perform at the highest potential.

Gain the confidence you desire and transform your mindset from “I’m lost” to “I’m in control of my life”.

Helping You Find Success With Personalised Coaching

Feel Like It’s Time to Make a Change in Your Life, But Can’t Seem to Find a Way?

In order to reach your highest potential and keep expanding to get to the next level you must transform yourself from inside out. Just not learn another strategy or tactic.

My course ‘Find Self-Find Happiness’ is created to bring overall transformation in your emotions and mood and allows you to be happy, calm and composed in the most stressful and ever demanding situations of hospitality industry.

How Do I know If Coaching is Right For Me?

  • Are you feeling clueless and tired and not willing to go to work?
  • DO you feel Monday blues and weekly off should not end ?
  • DO you feel lost when you go to your work and don’t know why you are working there?
  • Do you only work to see that pay cheque at the end of the month? and becomes happy only on salary day?
  • DO you feel really relaxed once you step out of your workplace?
  • Do you really feel fed up chasing targets ? Do you really feel unhappy and dissatisfied and still you need to look happy while celebrating other people’s moment?
  • Do you feel what am I doing here? Instead I should be somewhere else where I will live fully?

If you said YES to any or all of the above then Peak Performance coaching is for you.

Schedule one to one Happiness Session with me and let’s take it forward.


Techniques and tools that will help you to find your happiness.

Proven step by step system with downloadable material which will help you to find your happiness.

Understand and learn the psychology of what creates long term change in you.

Be able to live confidently and happily and Identify your true desires.

Learn how to set expectation and overcome your fears.

Release limiting beliefs and pattern which hold you back.

Develop awareness and mindfulness.

Develop a success identity which help you to live in alignment with who you really are.

How to control your emotions and stop living in negative memories from past or worrying about the future.

My Approach

I conduct one to one live session to understand the root causes, which is followed by in session activities for your mind shift. Once the new pattern of happiness is built, I provide material in the form of workbook and audios to practice daily for full immersion.

Immersive exercises create a deliberate happy shift in mind. Daily practice helps to face the real time situations and implement the tools and techniques for instant mind shift from stress to calmness. The calm and composed behaviours help to think creatively and swiftly identify solutions. Hence, your peak performance and your teams efficient working.

For longer and permanent impact, I remove limiting beliefs and toxic patterns for my clients and helps them create a rock-solid mindset with unwavering habits – delivering maximum levels of achievement and fulfilment.


How It Works

Schedule a Free 1 to 1 Happiness Session

Schedule a one to one virtual meeting with me. Here we will understand where you are and where you want to be in your life and in the corporate ladder of hospitality industry.

Happiness session is 45 minutes to 60 minutes discussion about your core competencies and to analyse what is stopping you to succeed. And finally drafting a path for your highest potential to give your peak performance and realise your dreams and desires.

Choose a Coaching Plan

After understanding your requirements, I will guide you the most effective coaching plan to you that will help you control your emotions and shift them to happy emotions. The happy emotions provide immense control over situations and people around you.

When you are in control of your life you get to perform at your highest potential and create your desired realities. It is so powerful that you can actually turn around any situation to your favour and control your surroundings.

Reach Your Goals

‘Find Self-Find Happiness’ results in the following:

You are content, fulfilled and happy.

You respond in a calm, composed and a thoughtful way.

You manage people and circumstances effectively and draw the desired outcomes.

You recieve praises and accolades from your seniors, teams and guests.

You climb the corporate ladder or professional ladder easily, swiftly and comfortably.

Course Details: ‘Find Self-Find Happiness’

10 Weeks Coaching Package

It is 10 weeks program with 12 modules. And lifetime email support.

You will learn about:

  • your passion and purpose,
  • goals setting,
  • communication with self and others,
  • overcoming fear of change, failure and risk,
  • empowered thinking,
  • managing emotions and identifying beliefs those don’t serve you,
  • rewiring new success belief system,
  • gain true confidence,
  • decision making and taking actions,
  • practice mindfulness with powerful activities,
  • rewrite your life story and achieve eternal happiness.

It will create profound transformations and results.



More Details

Who is it for?

  • If you are a hospitality professional working in any area of hospitality industry and want to live happy and fulfilling life.
  • If you are hospitality business owner owning hotel, travel company or any other. hospitality business and want to be more successful by finding your strengths and working on your negative thinking patterns?
  • If you are struggling in your life and trapped in 12 hours job and unable to find work life balance.
  • If you are a working women and finding it difficult to give sufficient time to your family and living with guilt feeling.
  • If you are not earning enough income after spending 12 -14 hours at your workplace and your days are ending with frustration.
  • If you are not getting promoted and not happy with the work you are doing for years.
  • If your work pressure is taking joy of your life and you are suffering in your relationship.
  • If you are not able to give enough time for relaxation, vacations and not able to enjoy your family time.

Did you say YES to all of the above or any of the above? Then this coaching program is definitely for you. ENROLL NOW.

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